Interested companies can support a completely new sport in Switzerland and participate in the growing national and international media attention. Equality, respect, and integration are core components of our sport. Like the sports teams, the federation consists of mixed-sex bodies and commissions. The financial support helps Korfball to develop further in Switzerland. Our next goal is to take part in the European Championships Korfball in 2024. This multi-day, international event comes with press coverage and live streaming. We share these opportunities with our sponsors.

Read more about the opportunities for collaboration in our sponsoring brochure 2024:

Friends of Swiss Korfball

We turn bold ideas and strategy into tangible results.
Acumacon, Friend of Swiss Korfball
 Arcadis. Lebensqualität verbessern – Schweiz.
Arcadis, Friend of Swiss Korfball
NONAME Comprehensive Sports Consulting Agency, Friend of Swiss Korfball.